Book Editing
Fast, Affordable, Professional

Elevate your writing with our professional Book Editing service. Our team of experienced book editors is dedicated to refining your work, ensuring impeccable grammar, punctuation, and style. We offer developmental and copy editing, tailored to authors' unique needs. Whether it's your first work or your latest manuscript, we're here to help. Get started with a free quote and experience the impact of professionally edited writing.

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Expert Book Editing Service

If you're seeking to elevate your book's writing quality, Scribendi's professional editing service is a valuable resource dedicated to refining your writing, ensuring that your manuscript reaches its full potential. Whether it's your first book or the latest in a series, improve the clarity, style, and overall impact of your book.

Whether you require developmental editing to enhance your plot and characters or copy editing to polish your prose, our team of professional editors has the expertise to help. We collaborate with authors like you to ensure that your distinct voice is preserved while refining your work to meet the highest professional standards.

The hallmark of a professionally edited book is its impeccable quality. It's free from grammatical errors, punctuation slips, and inconsistencies. Ensure that your work is a polished masterpiece so you can keep readers engaged. See how professionally edited writing can help you leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Why Should I Choose This Book Editing Service?

When it comes to enhancing your manuscript, choosing the right editing service is a decision that can significantly impact your writing journey. At Scribendi, we are committed to helping you reach your full potential as an author

Here's why you should choose Scribendi for your editing needs:

  1. Unparalleled expertise: Our team of experienced editors is at the heart of our success. Ensure that only the most qualified professionals are entrusted with your work through our rigorous selection process. With backgrounds in various genres and styles, our editors bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Their expertise, combined with a commitment to your writing success, ensures that your book receives the best editing possible.
  2. Services for authors: Every author and every piece of writing is unique. Whether you require developmental editing to improve your plot, character development, and overall narrative flow, or copy editing to polish the finer details, we are able to refine your writing to the highest professional standards while ensuring that your distinct voice is preserved.
  3. Superior quality and quick turnarounds: At Scribendi, quality is our top priority. Our rigorous processes guarantee that your book is error-free, consistent, and engaging. We offer different turnaround times to meet your specific needs, including a 4-hour turnaround for shorter documents, making us an excellent choice for meeting tight deadlines. With Scribendi, you can have your professionally edited book ready for publication sooner than you thought possible.
  4. Transparent pricing and free samples: Pricing is an important consideration for authors. That's why we provide transparent pricing, and you can even request a free sample edit before committing so you can feel confident in your choice of Scribendi for your editing needs.
  5. Trustworthy and reliable service: Scribendi has a long-standing reputation in the editing industry. We have been helping authors like you for over two decades, and our track record speaks for itself. 

In summary, choosing Scribendi as your editing provider ensures that you benefit from our unparalleled expertise, superior quality, and transparent pricing. 

With Scribendi, you have a reliable and experienced partner to enhance your manuscript and take your writing to the next level. It's time to give your book the professional touch it deserves.

Refine Your Manuscript to Perfection

Authors worldwide are pleased with Scribendi's services, as customer satisfaction is our top priority. 

Explore some of our case studies:

What will you receive with this Book Editing service? 

  • Line-by-line editing of your book to improve clarity, organization, and flow while maintaining your authorial voice, giving you a stronger, much improved book tailored to your target audience
  • Corrections of spelling and grammar errors, typos, and inconsistencies
  • Tracked revisions so that you can see and review all of your editor's changes, giving you complete creative control over your book
  • Suggestions to improve the style, tone, point of view, word choice, and sentence structure of your book
  • Extensive critical commentary, indicating where arguments need more support, where the storyline or flow could be improved, where there are unfinished or contradictory thoughts, and more
  • Identification of what's not working in your book and any areas that can be improved
  • Personalized editor notes providing a summary of the work that has been done and highlighting your next steps for improving your book

For a full-length critique without language corrections, please see our Book Critique service.

What types of documents can you use this Book Editing service for?

  • Novels, novellas, and short stories
  • Plays and screenplays
  • Poems and collections of poetry
  • General nonfiction (memoirs, biographies, self-help books, etc.)
  • Chapters or passages of longer fiction and nonfiction works

If you have a script, please see our Script Editing service. If you have an eBook, please see our Ebook Editing, Ebook Proofreading, and Ebook Formatting services.

We know how hard you have worked to write your book, so security and confidentiality are always ensured. Uploads and downloads are always safe and securely encrypted. We will never make a claim on your copyright.

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Book Editing (up to 1,500 words)
Book Editing (up to 3,500 words)
Book Editing (up to 4,000 words)
Book Editing (up to 10,000 words)
Book Editing (up to 25,000 words)
Book Editing (up to 40,000 words)
Book Editing (up to 65,000 words)
Book Editing (65,000 to 100,000 words)
Book Editing (100,000 to 150,000 words)
Book Editing (150,000 to 250,000 words)
Book Editing (250,000 to 450,000 words)

Book Editing Service FAQ

How much does book editing cost?

The cost of book editing can vary significantly, depending on several factors. These include the type of editing required and the length of your manuscript (word count). At Scribendi, we have an instant quote widget that can help you choose your desired pricing based on turnaround time. We offer free quotes along with a free sample edit so you can assess costs and see for yourself how Scribendi can improve your writing.

Can I submit my eBook to this Book Editing service?

Scribendi has specific services devoted to preparing your eBook, such as Ebook Editing, Ebook Proofreading, and Ebook Formatting. These are designed to enhance the overall professionalism of your eBook, resulting in a smoother, more enjoyable reading experience for your audience. Ultimately, these services are able to increase the credibility and readership of your eBook, both of which are especially crucial in today's competitive digital market.

How do I know if my book needs editing?

Nearly all books and pieces of writing can benefit from editing, and here's why. Professional editing goes beyond just fixing errors. It enhances the overall quality of your work, focusing on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style to ensure a polished and coherent final product. Editors help writers refine their documents, making them clearer, more engaging, and consistent. No matter how skilled an author is, a fresh set of expert eyes can spot improvements. In essence, book editing enhances the professionalism and impact of your work, ensuring that it resonates with readers and leaves a lasting impression.

How long does this service take?

The turnaround time for editing depends on the length of your work, as measured by word count. Shorter books typically have a quicker turnaround, while longer manuscripts might take longer to edit thoroughly. Our professional editors are committed to maintaining a high standard of quality in their work, ensuring that your work is polished and ready for publication. To get an accurate estimate of the turnaround for your specific project, use our instant quote widget for a free quote. This way, you'll know when to expect your professionally edited book to be completed and ready for its next phase.