Get the Best Value with a Combined Book Proofreading and Query Package
If you want to be ready to pitch your book to an agent or editor, bundling our Book Proofreading and Query Package services is simply the best way to go. You get everything you need at a price that can't be beat. Why pay more for these services separately when you can get them together and save money in the process?
Be ready to publish. First, we proofread your final draft. Because you've spent so much time with your book, lingering errors often become invisible to you, but not to us! Our professional copy editors provide a thorough spelling and grammar check of your document, correcting typos and inconsistencies. Second, we prepare a tailor-made query package for your book. Third, we draft a short synopsis of your work, neatly summarizing it with catchy, interest-grabbing prose. Fourth, we include a book outline that provides a chapter-by-chapter summary of your story, showing how the book develops from beginning to end. Fifth, we write a query letter crafted to grab the attention of a busy publisher or literary agent, helping you put your best foot forward.
What will I receive?
Please note that the query letter, synopsis, and outline for your book will be created in Microsoft WordTM.
Why Authors Choose Us?
What types of books qualify for book proofreading and a query package?

Proofreading is for final drafts of books that have already been edited. If you would like help with clarity, style, word choice, sentence structure, and overall organization, our Book Editing service provides everything you need and more!
Why should I trust Scribendi with my book?
We keep your files secure. We know how hard you have worked to write your book, so security and confidentiality are always ensured. We will never make a claim on your copyright, and we keep your personal information private. We work with most major word-processing file types, and uploads and downloads are always safe and securely encrypted.
We have writing and proofreading expertise. Our query package writers, many of whom are published authors, have an average of 15 years of experience proofreading successful books in nearly every genre and format. Your book will be sent to writing professionals who are familiar with (and enjoy) your genre. Our writing professionals will follow your specific guidelines when they proofread your book, looking for any issues you've mentioned in your order instructions. If you are satisfied with your proofreader, you can request them for your next project.
We welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your order, our quality assurance team will guarantee that our rigorous quality standards are met, using a quality assurance process that ensures high-quality work every time.
Customer satisfaction is Scribendi's top priority, and authors from all around the world are happy with our services. Check out some of our author case studies:
Visit our author FAQ page for more information, get a free sample edit, or get an instant quote below so that you can place your order today!
Still have questions? Don't hesitate to contact our customer relationship specialists, who are available between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. EST.