Academic Email Etiquette: Tips for Contacting Scholars in Your Field
Confused about academic email etiquette? Our tips will help you contact other scholars with confidence.
Understanding Traditional Publishing, Self-Publishing, and Which Route to Take: Scribendi's Ultimate Guide
Thinking of publishing a book? Learn about traditional publishing, self-publishing, and everything those routes entail in our ultimate guide.
Inspiring a Love of Reading: Where to Find Free Children's Books Online
The benefits of reading and listening to children's books are undeniable. Here are seven different places to find free children's books online.
Is It Correct to Use "They" as a Singular Pronoun?
Whether the use of "they" as a singular pronoun is correct has been debated for centuries. Learn whether its use is acceptable, once and for all.
The Effects of Social Media on How We Write
Has social media changed how we write? Jennifer Broflowski, a writer at CraftResumes, looks at the effects of social media on online communication in our latest blog post.
The Top 10 Misspellings of "Scribendi" (Plus: What Does "Scribendi" Mean?)
Have you ever wondered what "Scribendi" means? Check out our newest blog post, in which we also outline the top 10 funniest misspellings of "Scribendi."
How to Write a Professional Email
In a dynamic and fast-paced business environment, how can you ensure that each one of your emails is written professionally? Whether you're starting your career or just wondering why your emails don't get the responses you want, this post will guide you through how to write a professional email.
8 Fun Homophone Examples
Though they sound the same, the phrases "look at my muscles" and "look at my mussels" have very different meanings! Check out our infographic for more fun homophone examples. Homophones are words with the same pronunciation but different meanings.