How to Write a Dedication Podcast
Given the opportunity to thank those who have helped you achieve a milestone in your life, it can be difficult to know what to say and how to say it. This podcast details how to write a dedication, including how to identify the people and how to address the dedication details.
How to Write a Cover Letter Podcast
Formatting a cover letter is important, but the actual content is even more important. This podcast will help you understand how to highlight your most valuable attributes.
How to Write a College Recommendation Letter Podcast
If you are asked to write a college recommendation letter, you have some power over whether that student is accepted into a particular program. This podcast covers how to write the introduction, body, and conclusion of a recommendation letter.
How to Write a Business Plan Podcast
Establishing a business is a complex process. It should start with a detailed business plan. This podcast will cover such issues as the business profile, contacts, financing, marketing, and even bankruptcy plans, all of which are important for a successful business.
How to Write a Business Pitch Podcast
A great business pitch is necessary if you hope to attract an investor's interest. When pitching your idea, there are certain things you can do to improve your presentation. This podcast covers such issues as what details you should emphasize, what research you should do, and how long your speech should be.
How to Use Those Brackets (Parentheses!) Properly
If you know how to properly use brackets, you have the ability to fit more information in a sentence without appearing cluttered or hard to follow. This podcast highlights how to use four different types of brackets in both formal and informal writing.
How to Use Apostrophes Correctly Podcast
The apostrophe is an overlooked part of punctuation that is often misused or ignored completely. This podcast tells you how to use apostrophes correctly, whether you are trying to show possession (e.g., Fred's car) or indicate the omission of a letter (e.g., it's).
How to Research a Term Paper Podcast
You have attended class all semester, and it is finally time to write your final essay. However, with so much information and so many potential topics, it can be hard to get started and stay organized. This podcast will help you understand how to go about choosing a topic, conducting research, and finding sources.
How to Get Published Podcast
Getting published is a big step and should involve a lot of research. If you are wondering how to choose a publisher, or agent, and what to do next, this podcast will be a helpful resource.
How to Format a Resume Podcast
If you have a lot you want to say on your resume, or perhaps if you don't have enough, proper formatting can be a valuable way to manage your words. Your resume should be clear, concise, and guide your potential employer. This podcast will help you determine what to feature in your resume and the most appealing way to format that information.
How to Format a CV Podcast
There are several important components of a CV. It is after you address these basic elements that you can customize your CV to suit a particular employer. Fourteen valuable components of CVs are discussed in this podcast.
How to Format a Cover Letter Podcast
Here at Scribendi.com, we know how important first impressions are, especially the first impression created by your cover letter. This podcast outlines how you can format your cover letter in a way that appeals to your potential employer and distinguishes you from other applicants.
How to Copyright a Book Podcast
This podcast examines the realities of copyrighting when using traditional publishing methods. Rights and subsidiary rights, such as paperback reprinting rights and first rights, which may be requested with the offer to publish, are detailed.
Homophones Podcast: Do You Mean There, Their, or They're?
Many people have a difficult time grasping the fine details of English grammar, and a common ESL mistake is mixing up different words that sound the same. Homophones are dissected in detail in this podcast.
Plot Podcast: Golden Rules for a Good Plot
If you are having trouble creating a good plot, take the time to listen to this podcast. The five golden rules discussed, such as creating a plot skeleton, will help you organize your story ideas into a successful design.
Citation Software Reviews: Tired of Manually Organizing Citations?
If you are a student writing essays, citing your sources is a tedious but necessary task. If you are thinking about purchasing citation software so you no longer have to do citations manually, this podcast offers a review of the top three citation software options: CiteULike, Zotero, and Mendeley Desktop.
How to Avoid Telling Writing in Fiction Podcast
When writing fiction, you want your reader to travel to your written world and see the characters and surroundings the way you do. However, this can be difficult when an author uses "telling" writing instead of "showing" writing. This podcast gives you tips on how to avoid telling writing, such as making use of the five senses and dialogue.