How to Write a Grant Proposal Podcast
Securing funding for a big project isn't always easy, but luckily, there are hundreds of grants available. Selecting an appropriate grant that fits your needs can be challenging and there are some basic grant writing tips you should follow. Most organizations that offer grants have guidelines for your grant proposal, but some leave you wondering where to begin. In this podcast, we provide a breakdown of what to include and exclude in your grant proposal.
Learn How to Write a Synopsis
If you're wondering how to get published, assembling a query package is the first step. Your query package should include a synopsis, which is the lynchpin. However, the task of writing a synopsis can be quite overwhelming. In this podcast, we outline how to write a synopsis.
How to Write a Research Proposal—Podcast Part One
Writing a research proposal is a daunting task. There are many variables to consider: What's your discipline? What's your purpose? Who's your audience? Before we begin to discuss the nuts and bolts of how to write a research proposal, we need to understand what it is and what it is not. Knowing this now will make the process of writing your research proposal a whole lot easier. Please listen to this podcast to learn more about what a research proposal is and how to write one.
Ligatures Podcast: A Guide to their Proper and Improper Use
In writing, including fiction writing and typography, a ligature is two or more graphemes that are joined to make a single glyph. More simply put, a ligature is a single character that is created by joining multiple characters. In this podcast, our editors will explain what a ligature is and how to use one correctly.
Pre-writing Podcast: Having Trouble Putting Words on the Page?
Authors have their own writing habits, and sometimes they can be slightly odd-they may have to write first thing in the morning, only late at night, or never on Tuesdays! When asked, every author will offer different advice about how to begin the pre-writing process. What is pre-writing, you ask? We explain the pre-writing process in this podcast.
Is Writer's Block Getting You Down?
If you've clicked on the link to this podcast, chances are you're one of the many authors who have suffered-or is currently suffering-from writer's block. As the fabled nemesis of authors, writer's block is perhaps the most frustrating thing about being an author. But have no fear, in this podcast we've listed ten ways you can shake off writer’s block and get back to writing.
Our Editors Shine Light on Errors in the APA Style Guide
The original 6th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guide contained several errors. But rest assured, they have been corrected. In this podcast we will highlight the types of errors in the APA Style Guide that have occurred, what the APA has done to address these problems, and what your options are if you possess a faulty version.
Exclamation Marks Podcast: Are Exclamation Marks Getting You Down?
Exclamation marks are one of the most controversial pieces of punctuation in the English language. In this podcast, our editors explain how and when using exclamation marks is correct.
How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter Podcast
Finding the perfect candidate is never easy. Once you have hired someone, informing the other applicants that they were not selected for the position is beneficial. Listen to our podcast to find out why writing a candidate rejection letter so important.
Steps to Writing a Great Persuasive Essay Podcast
Have you been assigned a persuasive essay to write, but aren't sure where to begin? Listen to this podcast to learn what a persuasive essay is and how to write one.