Enjoy these blogging resources

We have compiled a list of useful websites, themes, and tools so that bloggers can easily access these resources. If you have a resource that you feel would be beneficial to your fellow bloggers, or you just want to chat about blogging, please email us!
Blogger Babble resources:
This e-book explains how to write a blog from beginning to end in seven easy steps. It is a useful guide for new bloggers, moderately experienced bloggers, or anyone who is interested in how to start a blog for individual or commercial use.
A blog geared to young entrepreneurs and small business owners. This blog has several articles that address the business side of blogging.
Author Daniel Scocco shares daily tips to help bloggers maximize their blogging success.
This is a collection of articles and resources for bloggers. It provides advice on how bloggers can make money.
Blogger is owned by Google; it offers free customizable themes and integration with Google Adsense. You must have a Google account to sign up.
WordPress is a full-content management system that features thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes.
Woo Themes offers professional, top-quality WordPress themes. WooCommerce provides themes that will enable you to turn your website into an e-commerce store. WooThemes offers several free themes.
Gorilla Themes offers customizable WordPress themes. They offer several real estate–related themes and have competitive prices (starting at $39.95).
Elegant Themes offers a large variety of WordPress themes. It costs $39/year to access all their themes.
Theme Forest offers over 5,000 site templates, WordPress themes, CMS themes, eCommerce and marketing themes/tools, PSD templates, blogging themes, and themes for forums and bulletin boards. Some are priced as low as $1.
Theme Junkie offers approximately 25 customizable WordPress themes for reasonable prices. Some themes are free.
Scribendi Editing and Proofreading Services WordPress Plugin:
Scribendi's WordPress Plugin provides professional editing to check your posts for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and structure. They offer competitive prices, and turnaround times are as quick as four hours.
Polldaddy provides easy-to-use survey software, which can be used to create surveys, polls, and quizzes. Basic accounts are free.
Webconfs' Reciprocal Link Checker:
This can be used to monitor your reciprocal links and to receive notifications if a reciprocal link is removed.
Audacity provides free audio editing software. It is a great tool for podcast creation. We use Audicaty for all of our free podcasts; it is user-friendly and produces high quality results.
JotForm is a user-friendly, web-based form builder, and it can be used to create contact forms, satisfaction surveys, calendars, etc.
ShareThis provides detailed options for users to create custom code for "share" and "bookmark" buttons. They also offer analytics.
AddThis creates custom code for "share" and "bookmark" buttons. They also offer analytics.