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3 Tips to Improve Your English Writing

Editor's Note: The following article is a guest post by Dawn Martin at Preply.

Learning to speak a new language is difficult. Couple that with learning to write in a new language and you've got yourself a whole new set of obstacles. Luckily, we're here to help you traverse those obstacles with these 3 tips for improving your skills as an English writer.

1. Read in English as Much as You Can

Remember when you first started speaking English? How did you go about it? Maybe you took English lessons, maybe you hired a professional teacher, or maybe you tried to learn English online.

If you think back far enough, you will probably recall that your first introduction to speaking English was hearing other people speaking it. Whether it was listening to dialogue on television or hearing people around you speaking English in conversation, hearing the English language being spoken likely helped you build a foundation for everything from your pronunciation skills to your vocabulary.

The same principle applies for writing in English.

One study found that students who read just six minutes more per day than their fellow students were able to achieve a much higher level of literacy. As such, if you want to become good at writing in English, you have to be a committed reader! Since you're reading this article, it's pretty safe to assume that you're well on your way.

You should make reading in English something that you do on a regular basis. What you choose to read is entirely up to you! Consider reading a few news articles every day. Don't limit yourself to just one article.

However, if you read classic novels, keep in mind that they're outdated in terms of how they are written. No one writes like that anymore, so it wouldn't be good for you to try to emulate those texts in your own writing. 

2. Look for Fun Ways to Improve Your English Writing Skills

Practice makes perfect.

You've probably come across this phrase at some point in your life, and it's no surprise, considering how easily it can be applied to almost any goal.

If you want to be a better writer, you have to write!

The key here is to find an outlet for you to keep putting your skills to use so that you can improve them over time. Whether it's starting a blog, journaling, or messaging users on internet forums, there's a bunch of different ways for you to express yourself and improve your writing skills at the same time.

Popular apps such as Duolingo or Babbel provide an alternative way to improve vocabulary. With these apps, you can have day-to-day practice in a comfortable, gamified way. They can't replace the professional teacher who'll explain to you all the ups and downs of the language. However, using Duolingo and similar apps is a great way to make language learning part of your daily routine.

3. Use Inclusive Language

Using inclusive language in your writing ensures that your content is respectful and relatable to a diverse audience. Start by adopting gender-neutral pronouns such as "they/them" instead of "he/she" when the gender of a person is unknown or irrelevant. 

In addition, replace gender-specific terms with inclusive alternatives; for example, use "firefighter" instead of "fireman" and "chairperson" instead of "chairman." 

Respecting cultural diversity is another crucial aspect; avoid stereotypes and generalizations by being specific in your descriptions, like referring to "Japanese," "Thai," or "Indian" cuisine instead of broadly saying "Asian cuisine." You can also acknowledge various cultural practices and holidays (e.g., use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" to respect different traditions). 

Engaging with diverse audiences for feedback on your writing can help identify and correct unintentional biases or exclusions. Continuous learning is key, so follow reputable language and writing blogs, attend webinars, and participate in workshops focused on inclusive language. 

These strategies will make your writing more inclusive, respectful, and effective in reaching a broader audience.


There are many ways for you to improve your English writing skills. In addition to activities that you can do by yourself like reading and writing consistently, you should also take advantage of other resources at your disposal, such as internet forums, online software, and apps like Duolingo.

Lastly, don't be too shy to look to others for help. If you feel like it's necessary, you can always pick up English lessons or learn English online. In addition, you can always search out a professional editor who can help you polish your writing.

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About the Author

Dawn Martin

Dawn's passion for teaching English is matched by her passion for helping others. She knows what can help make the learning process easier. Dawn reads a lot and loves to talk about books.
