
Editing vs. Proofreading

Editing vs. Proofreading

Scribendi's infographic about the difference between editing and proofreading.
Editing Versus Proofreading Podcast

Editing Versus Proofreading Podcast

If you are looking for professional help with your writing, it is important to know what you need help with. The differences between editing and proofreading are outlined in this podcast. Knowing these differences will help you obtain the most appropriate service.
Editing Tips—Making Comparisons Podcast

Editing Tips—Making Comparisons Podcast

As part of the Editing Tips series, this podcast gives suggestions about how to make comparisons in academic writing in order to give your reader all the necessary information. Tips and examples of how to avoid a phantom comparison are supplied to help ensure the clarity of your writing.
Ebook Publishing Podcast

Ebook Publishing Podcast

We belong to a generation that values having knowledge at its fingertips. Innovations, such as the Ebook, have provided alternatives to the traditional methods of receiving documents (or written text). If you are looking to publish your work, this podcast will outline some advantages and disadvantages of Ebook publishing.
Back Matter Podcast

Back Matter Podcast

A book does not always end with the story. The last few pages at the back of a novel may contain what is known "as back mater," or, in plain terms, a discussion on some aspect of the book. If you are interested in the different elements of back matter, this podcast will be a helpful resource.
Ten Tips to Help You Avoid Telling Writing

Ten Tips to Help You Avoid Telling Writing

One of the most often quoted axioms is “Show, don’t tell.” The idea is to keep students from explaining the story, that is, to stop them from using telling writing and use showing writing instead. I have compiled ten tips that actually show you how to avoid telling writing.
A Review of Microsoft Office 2010

A Review of Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft has made some changes to its Office suite of programs. This podcast, written from a clear, concise, non-IT perspective, will update you about what has been removed, added, or changed.
How to Write a Dedication

How to Write a Dedication

You have finally completed your novel, but now you have to decide who to dedicate your work to and which style of dedication is most appropriate. This article will help guide you through the process of writing a dedication.
Example of a Synopsis

Example of a Synopsis

The synopsis is written with the express purpose of enticing a potential agent/editor to accept your book for representation or publication. For your synopsis to be effective, your writing needs to be concise, clearly organized, and evocative of both your target genre and your own unique voice. You are not only selling your book but also selling yourself as a writer, so it’s important that your synopsis be free from grammatical and spelling errors.