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Tag: query letter

How to Get Published

How to Get Published

Congratulations! You've completed the long, arduous task of writing a novel. You have an error-free book, and we've helped you put together a winning query package. It's time to send your baby out to seek its fame and fortune.
How to Get Published Podcast

How to Get Published Podcast

Getting published is a big step and should involve a lot of research. If you are wondering how to choose a publisher, or agent, and what to do next, this podcast will be a helpful resource.
How to Write a Query Letter

How to Write a Query Letter

Writing a pitch or query letter is the first step to getting published. Agents and editors read query letters to find new material they are interested in selling or publishing. Most agents and editors will never read unsolicited material, but they will almost always read an unsolicited pitch.
How to Write a Query Letter Podcast

How to Write a Query Letter Podcast

A query letter is a way for you to attract the attention of an editor who may not otherwise read your unsolicited manuscript. Editors read query letters to find new content, and writing one that uses a business format can help. Of course, having a good hook is critical!
Query Letter Sample

Query Letter Sample

We have already discussed how to write a query letter, and provided tips on what you should include in one and how you should format it. Now, we have provided a query letter sample to help make the letter writing process easier.