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Example of a Synopsis

Example of a Synopsis

The synopsis is written with the express purpose of enticing a potential agent/editor to accept your book for representation or publication. For your synopsis to be effective, your writing needs to be concise, clearly organized, and evocative of both your target genre and your own unique voice. You are not only selling your book but also selling yourself as a writer, so it’s important that your synopsis be free from grammatical and spelling errors.
How to Write a Dedication

How to Write a Dedication

You have finally completed your novel, but now you have to decide who to dedicate your work to and which style of dedication is most appropriate. This article will help guide you through the process of writing a dedication.
How to Write a Dedication Podcast

How to Write a Dedication Podcast

Given the opportunity to thank those who have helped you achieve a milestone in your life, it can be difficult to know what to say and how to say it. This podcast details how to write a dedication, including how to identify the people and how to address the dedication details.