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Tag: manuscript

The Golden Rules for a Good Plot

The Golden Rules for a Good Plot

Everyone wants to know the secret behind amazing novels.'s editors offer five helpful plot rules that will ensure your novel has a good plot, one that will grab and keep your reader's attention.
The Plot Skeleton Podcast: How to Write a Plot Outline

The Plot Skeleton Podcast: How to Write a Plot Outline

A plot skeleton can also be called a plot outline—the structure or bare bones of a story. How to write a successful plot outline that incorporates characters, plot, and climax is the subject of this podcast.
Traditional Publishing versus Self-Publishing Podcast

Traditional Publishing versus Self-Publishing Podcast

If you are a writer nearing the end of your writing project, it may be time to consider your publishing options. If you are wondering whether to use a publishing service or self-publish, this podcast provides basic information about both options in order to help you make a decision.
Traditional Publishing versus Self-Publishing: What's the Difference?

Traditional Publishing versus Self-Publishing: What's the Difference?

Traditional publishing or self-publishing: which should you choose? Let us walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of each so that you can choose the best option for your book.
Writing Short Stories: 11 Hot Tips

Writing Short Stories: 11 Hot Tips

We love short stories. At, we admire the authors who produce these mini manuscripts, what with their complete plots and well-developed characters.