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Tag: wordiness

Eliminating Wordiness

Eliminating Wordiness

When a sentence is too long and is full of extra, unimportant words, it is referred to as wordy. If a sentence is wordy, it can be hard to comprehend and will detract from your writing. Try to follow these tips to avoid wordiness and to produce clear, concise writing.
How to Reduce Wordiness

How to Reduce Wordiness

Do you find yourself writing sentences that are far too long? Have you ever re-read a sentence and struggled to finish it in one breath? If so, you may be suffering from something called prolixity, or in laymen’s terms, wordiness. Our editors suggest several ways to help you avoid wordiness and increase quality.
How to Write Concisely

How to Write Concisely

Writing concisely is hard work; you must convey your meaning in just a few carefully chosen words. However, your readers will surely thank you!