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Tag: essay writing

An Example Outline

An Example Outline

Writing academic papers is not easy. Sometimes you may have all of the research done, but just can't put pen to paper. If that is the case, you may need to write an outline. This article provides an alphanumeric example outline.
AWA Essay Help: Brainstorming and Writing the Argument Prompt

AWA Essay Help: Brainstorming and Writing the Argument Prompt

The AWA essay portion of the GRE is about challenging assumptions. Find out how to identify and explain these assumptions clearly and efficiently so you will be ready when test day arrives.
College Admissions Essay Podcast: 500 Words That Will Help You Get into College

College Admissions Essay Podcast: 500 Words That Will Help You Get into College

Writing your college admissions essay can definitely be stressful. Think of your college admissions essay as an opportunity to stand out from other applicants and really make an impression. With some planning and careful consideration, you can draft a great college admissions essay that will vastly improve your chances of being accepted to the college of your choice. To learn more about how to write the perfect college admissions essay, please listen to our podcast.
Essay Writing Help

Essay Writing Help

You've created the blueprint for a perfect paper: outlined the framework, devised a great thesis statement and located enough evidence to support your argument. What remains to be done, is to analyze those facts in original and intriguing ways.
Essay Writing: Traffic Signals for the Reader

Essay Writing: Traffic Signals for the Reader

You're writing an essay, and you want a good grade, or at least to make yourself understood. How can you make this easier for your reader?
Essay Writing: Traffic Signs for Readers

Essay Writing: Traffic Signs for Readers

Writing a term paper is like driving a car. If you want to keep them engaged, then you have to steer your readers clearly through what you are trying to say. This podcast will help you do just that by highlighting “traffic signals” that can be applied to your writing in order to guide readers on their journey through your paper.
Everything You Need to Know about Italics

Everything You Need to Know about Italics

While italics are used in both science and arts/humanities writing, they are applied in different ways. In this podcast, to the appropriate use of italics is discussed in detail.
Expository Writing Podcast

Expository Writing Podcast

If you have to write an expository essay, but don't know how, then this podcast is the perfect tool to help you learn. After becoming informed about the characteristics of an expository piece, how they are formatted, what should be included and methods to writing them, you will be ready to begin!
How to Improve Essay Writing Skills

How to Improve Essay Writing Skills

If you've been told time and time again that you express great ideas in your essay writing but your writing needs polishing, you aren't alone. The following tips will help improve your writing skills and turn you into a great writer.