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Ebook Publishing Podcast

Ebook Publishing Podcast

We belong to a generation that values having knowledge at its fingertips. Innovations, such as the Ebook, have provided alternatives to the traditional methods of receiving documents (or written text). If you are looking to publish your work, this podcast will outline some advantages and disadvantages of Ebook publishing.
The Functions of Conjunctions Podcast

The Functions of Conjunctions Podcast

Conjunctions are an important element in business writing. Their proper use can improve sentence structure and, consequently, the overall effect of your writing. The different kinds of conjunctions, or ways to connect two sentences, are discussed in this podcast.
Back Matter Podcast

Back Matter Podcast

A book does not always end with the story. The last few pages at the back of a novel may contain what is known "as back mater," or, in plain terms, a discussion on some aspect of the book. If you are interested in the different elements of back matter, this podcast will be a helpful resource.
Hyphenation Podcast: Are You Confused by Hyphenation?

Hyphenation Podcast: Are You Confused by Hyphenation?

Punctuation marks can be confusing, and the hyphen is no exception. In this podcast, the editors explain what the hyphen is and how to use it in different circumstances.
APA Podcast Series: Style and Formatting

APA Podcast Series: Style and Formatting

Many of us in the social sciences are required to use APA. However, APA style and formatting are important for more than just your references. Part one of this five-part series will guide you through the basics of APA style , including things like what margins and spacing to use.
An Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style Podcast

An Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style Podcast

When you are requested to cite another author's work when writing a paper, formatting styles can vary. This podcast will detail how to apply Chicago style properly for both the sciences and arts/humanities.
A Review of Microsoft Office 2010

A Review of Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft has made some changes to its Office suite of programs. This podcast, written from a clear, concise, non-IT perspective, will update you about what has been removed, added, or changed.
Front Matter Podcast: What it is and Why it is Important

Front Matter Podcast: What it is and Why it is Important

Maybe you've flipped through the first few pages of a book and wondered what all that information is about, or maybe you've always just skipped those pages. All the material that appears at the front of a book before the actual content is called front matter, and it actually contains some very important information! To learn more about front matter, please listen to our podcast.
Chronological Resume Podcast

Chronological Resume Podcast

There are many types of resumes to choose from, and making sure you have the right style for the job to which you are applying can be intimidating. A chronological resume is a simple, fact-based resume that allows employers to skim through your work experience and qualifications. If you are planning to write a chronological resume, this podcast will help you understand how to create one.
Tips on Writing Your NaNoWriMo Novel in a Month Podcast

Tips on Writing Your NaNoWriMo Novel in a Month Podcast

The task of writing a 50,000 word novel in one month may seem daunting, but that is the goal of National Novel Writing Month. This podcast will give you some useful tips to help you finish the last 5,000 words of your novel.
Writing Short Stories Podcast

Writing Short Stories Podcast

When you are writing a short story it can be difficult to keep your word count down. There isn't a lot of space to develop your plot and characters. This podcast will outline some of the rules of writing a short story.
Tax Advice for Writers Podcast

Tax Advice for Writers Podcast

As a freelance writer, the first decision you need to make when you are filing your taxes is to determine whether you write for business purposes or just as a hobby. This podcast makes the distinction between the two and provides some helpful tips for writers to follow when they are filing their taxes.
Guide to NaNoWriMo Podcast

Guide to NaNoWriMo Podcast

You can't start writing your NaNoWriMo novel until November 1st, but that doesn't mean you can't prepare beforehand. The week before NaNoWriMo, authors should be setting their schedules, stocking up on snacks, and finishing any last minute chores. This podcast is a guide to successfully getting through NaNoWriMo.
A Guide to Fleshing Out Your Plot

A Guide to Fleshing Out Your Plot

The plot of a novel is a complication and its resolution. The author is free to structure this complication and resolution however they wish. This podcast will guide you through fleshing out your plot.
Combination Resumes Podcast: Choosing the Right Resume

Combination Resumes Podcast: Choosing the Right Resume

It is important to have a resume that matches the description of the job you are applying for. This podcast will provide a brief overview of combination, targeted, and mini resumes, and will show you just when to use them in your search for that perfect position.
How to Create Believable Characters Podcast

How to Create Believable Characters Podcast

Creating believable characters can be difficult for all writers. Writers have to put the characters together piece by piece until their masterpiece in complete. This podcast will provide advice to help you create believable characters.
How to Edit and Proofread: Tips for Bloggers

How to Edit and Proofread: Tips for Bloggers

Blogs are becoming one of the most popular forms of media. With their easy access and user-friendly nature, anyone can now publish a blog. The informal nature of blogs leads to many errors being published. This can detract from the author's credibility. This podcast provides some tips for bloggers to help optimize his or her blog posts.
How to Succesfully Manage the Plot Structure of a Book Series

How to Succesfully Manage the Plot Structure of a Book Series

It is important to keep plot structure in mind when writing a book series. Each book must have its own plot while also following an overlying plot covering the series. Being able to tie these plots together is crucial because if done unclearly, readers may get confused. This podcast will explain how to manage plot structure in a book series.